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Promiseland: August 16, 2020

Happy Sunday Promiseland! Let's come into worship today with fresh hope and with a hungry heart. God will surely fill us. He is for you, He is with you today, so let's enter into the loving presence of our Father.

Please click the link below to stream today's service:


I Give You Jesus

Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow

Acts 17: 22-29

Foolishness to the world is wisdom to God.

  • What the world may say is wisdom like "only take care of yourself", "you shouldn't believe in God", "follow your heart", is actually FOOLISH to God.

  • God's wisdom is different from human wisdom.

Our heart & our relationship with Jesus is our greatest treasure in this life.

Remember, Promiseland, you are made for Jesus. He loves you with a patient and fierce love. He is for you and He is the only truth, hope, and satisfaction in this life. Take heart, friends. Jesus is our greatest treasure. May you know His heart for you this week. We love you!

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