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Promiseland: July 19, 2020

Happy Sunday Promiseland! We are excited to worship with you today as we enter a new week.

You are treasured by Jesus and He is waiting for you today. Let's come into His presence together.

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

Let's REMEMBER the goodness, the love, and the faithfulness of Jesus in our lives, Promiseland. However hard or dark this life may get, let's REMEMBER that Jesus is King. He is still in control over it all and this King loves YOU! Amen!


Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow Series:

Acts 2:36-41

Let's REMEMBER this week:

  • When was a time Jesus opened my heart to show me that I made a mistake and I need to repent?

  • Remember, repent isn't a scary word. It just means to say sorry and to turn around from your mistake and change.

  • When was a time when Jesus gave you back your authority, took away your shame, and gave you another chance?

  • He did this for Peter and He is doing for you.

  • Remember, you are made to be close to Jesus. You were made for Jesus.

We love you Promiseland!

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