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Promiseland: July 5, 2020

Happy Sunday Promiseland! We pray that as you come into service today, that the Spirit of Jesus would fill you and speak to each one of you in a personal way. Let's get ready to hear from our friend and savior today, Jesus.

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

We love you Promiseland! We know that God has been speaking to each of you through the Follow Me series. You are all growing and learning to be FOLLOWERS of Jesus. We are so proud of you. We pray that as you go through your week, that you would live each day as His disciple and that when things get hard, that you would hold onto the God who holds you. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!


Sermon Recap:

Follow Me Series Ends

John 21: 15-19

Jesus' last words to Peter was "Follow Me"

  • Peter denies Jesus 3 times. Jesus forgives Peter.

  • Jesus tells Peter to follow him and to take care of His sheep- His people, those around us.

  • Jesus tells Peter how following him will not always be easy, but Jesus will always provide his presence for us.

Sermon Reflection

  1. Are there things in our hearts and in our lives where we have to invite Jesus to make things right?

  2. How can you follow Jesus in your everyday life? How is Jesus asking you to follow him?

  3. How can you care for those around you, those Jesus has trusted you with? (ie. Your siblings, your family, your friends)

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