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Promiseland: June 22, 2020

Happy Sunday Promiseland! Happy Father's Day Sunday.

Make sure to show love, honor, and appreciation to your fathers, father figures, and our Heavenly Father God!

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

Your earthly father AND your Heavenly Father are waiting for you to come and speak with them. They do not desire perfection, they desire YOU!

P.S. Remember to check the Activities page for new activities to do with this week's sermon! And please upload your Sermon Notes/finished activities/testimonies on our Hangouts page! We want to hangout with you there! Check it out!


Sermon Recap:

The Parable of the Waiting Father

Luke 15:17-24

Fathers are always waiting for their children to be with them. They desire YOU!

  • In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the dad runs to the son who had taken his inheritance and squandered it away.

  • He was waiting for his son to return home.

  • As soon as the son returned, the father ran to him, gave him new clothes, and they celebrated.

Sermon Reflection

  1. What is something that God has given to me that I am not useably wisely? It could be a simple thing like time, energy, etc...

  2. What is something that my dad has given to me that I am not using wisely?

  3. How can I honor my father on earth and in heaven not just on Father's Day but everyday of my life? What can I make into a good habit that shows them love.

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