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Sermon : Firecracker Christians

Matthew 5:14-16 (Light of the world)

Bottom Line:

  • We need to share Jesus with others


Kids will learn that as a follower of Jesus it’s our job to tell other people about Jesus.


What kind of “firework” are you? Are you the kind that burns for a brief second and then fizzles away, or are you a sparkler, lighting up the night? Jesus wants us to be the light of the world. He wants us to light the way for others to find Jesus. We need to ground ourselves in Jesus so that we can be a light in the darkness.

Prayer & encouragement for students.

Dear God,

Help us to stay connected to you so that we can shine your light to the whole world!

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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Sermon Series: Wild West Faith

Genesis 12:1-8, God Calls Abram

Bottom Line:

  • Trust God to be your leader.


Kids will learn they can have confidence in going where God leads them.


Many people flocked to the Old West because it was a chance to start over in a place where there weren’t many people. God called Abram to move to an unfamiliar place and promised to make a great nation from him. Abram trusted God, and knew one day the promise would be fulfilled.

Prayer & encouragement for students.

Dear God,

Show us the way to follow you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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Sermon Series: Gross!

Mark 5:1-20, Jesus Heals A Demon-Possessed Man

Bottom Line:

  • Jesus will always redeem us because He loves us.


Kids will learn Jesus is full of love, compassion and power.


When Jesus encountered a man possessed by demons, he had compassion and drove the demons out into a herd of pigs, which all scrambled to their deaths. No matter what struggle we face, when we come to Jesus humbly, there’s nothing He can’t heal and redeem.

Prayer & encouragement for students.

Dear God,

Thank you for the love of Jesus!

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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