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Greeting + encouragement to worship.

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Mordecai, a man of God

The Story of Esther (2)

Esther 4:1

Main sermon topic

  • Mordecai was a faithful Jew who bowed down and kneel only before God.

  • Mordecai learned Haman's horrible plan but he didn't run away. God made him brave and wise.

Main sermon take-away

To every person, there is something very important that becomes our foundation, and

that we do not have to hide. What are you proud for yourself?

Prayer & encouragement for students.

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Greeting + encouragement to worship.

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

Worship, Sermon and Activity:



What Makes Us Great? God Does!

The Story of Esther (1)

Esther 2:17

Main sermon topic

  • What are you? What makes you great? You are great as you are!

  • Being Jewish was a weakness in Persia but God protected the ones who are faithful to Him and His favor was on Esther.

Main sermon take-away

Prayer & encouragement for students.

(Related Videos:)

Promiseland, God is here to meet with you today. Let's open our hearts to meet with the One who made us and loves us. He has a new word for YOU today. Let's worship!

Please click the links below to stream today's service:

Note: Please watch BOTH videos.


God Never Fails Us!


Daniel 6:20-22

Will we continue to be FAITHFUL to God even in hard things.

  • Daniel knew that he would be thrown into the lion's den, but he did not stop worshipping and trusting God. He was faithful!

  • God allows hard things to happen in our lives to REVEAL his power & sovereignty!

There is a greater LION inside of you, than the lion that is in the world!

  • Who will you follow?

  • The God who has already won is inside of you, soldier of God.

Jesus, you are our King. Promiseland is yours. Make Promiseland an army of God that chooses to follow you in this life. Cover them and fill them with your Spirit that they may be faithful until the end. Let your power and your name be revealed in them. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

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