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Happy Sunday Promiseland! God is good and He is with you today! Let's dive into His Presence today and be filled with His Living Water & Spirit!

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

Let's LOCK our eyes on Jesus, the Apple of our eyes today and tomorrow. Remember that the Holy Spirit will fill you with what you need every day, only call on Him and He will come. (ps. He's already in you, you just have to open up your eyes in prayer to see ;)


LOCKED: The Apple of My Eyes

Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow Series

Acts 6:5-7, 7:51-60

How can we LOCK our eyes on Jesus to be the APPLE of our eyes?

  • PRAYER. Spend time learning to hear His voice. It will never grow old.

  • As we lock our eyes on Jesus, obedience becomes less of a burden, and it turns into DELIGHT & enjoyment of his presence.

  • As we lock our eyes on Jesus, we can forgive our enemies, we can speak boldly of the Gospel, and we can live our lives joyfully serving others.

What happens when we don't turn our eyes on Jesus?

  • We become stiff-necked, always resisting the Holy Spirit.

  • We become too proud to see our mistakes. Our hearts and our ears only LOCK their eyes on the things that make us feel good and make us feel like we are right. We become disobedient to the partnership of the Holy Spirit in us.

  • Examples in everyday life: ignoring the Holy Spirit's whispers that comes in discipline/conviction to (not) do something. (ie. gossipping, bullying, physical hurt, murder in mind, etc), always arguing that we are right and everyone else is wrong, refusing to spend time reading the bible & hearing Jesus' voice through prayer.

May our eyes ever be locked onto the face of Jesus. May He be the apple of our eyes and the treasure of our hearts. May we not seek for anything else to fill us each day. May the Holy Spirit be active and victorious in each of you. Amen.

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Happy Sunday Promiseland! As I've been praying for you, I am reminded of a car needing a new engine. I pray that as you tune into the service today, you will be given a new engine to continue to love and seek Jesus and those around you. He will give you what you need today. Say "ah" and receive bread from heaven!

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

Let's REMEMBER the goodness, the love, and the faithfulness of Jesus in our lives, Promiseland. He is a God is not far off but still with us through the Holy Spirit. He lives in us, you are not alone!

Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow Series:

Acts 4:1-14

Let's REMEMBER this week:

  • What is something that someone you love or Jesus has asked of you to do that has annoyed you? Are you thinking that you already know everything and are not willing to change for better?

  • What has Jesus done in your life? How can you share His goodness boldly?

  • Let's ask God to give us courage so that we can continue to share boldly about who He is, not just one time, but till we see Him face to face!

We love you Promiseland!

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Happy Sunday Promiseland! We are excited to worship with you today as we enter a new week.

You are treasured by Jesus and He is waiting for you today. Let's come into His presence together.

Please click the link below to stream today's service:

Let's REMEMBER the goodness, the love, and the faithfulness of Jesus in our lives, Promiseland. However hard or dark this life may get, let's REMEMBER that Jesus is King. He is still in control over it all and this King loves YOU! Amen!


Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow Series:

Acts 2:36-41

Let's REMEMBER this week:

  • When was a time Jesus opened my heart to show me that I made a mistake and I need to repent?

  • Remember, repent isn't a scary word. It just means to say sorry and to turn around from your mistake and change.

  • When was a time when Jesus gave you back your authority, took away your shame, and gave you another chance?

  • He did this for Peter and He is doing for you.

  • Remember, you are made to be close to Jesus. You were made for Jesus.

We love you Promiseland!

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